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It is being reported weekly that many are suffering Mental Health issues during the ongoing lockdown periods. Its well documented that New South Wales and Victoria Health Workers are suffering from burnout as they struggle to keep up with a surge in patients living through with repeated lockdowns.
Blog Chicks are concerned that staff shortages across the mental health sector were adding significantly to the problem, with wait lists reportedly up to 6 months to get an appointment with psychologists and psychiatrists.
Services like Lifeline reported record breaking increases in the number of people asking for help in August.
If you need someone to talk to, call:
- Lifeline on 13 11 14
- Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
- MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
- Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
- Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36
- Headspace on 1800 650 890
- QLife on 1800 184 527
ABC report in their recent news item that it’s been a similar story for the Victorian Doctors Health Program, a confidential service for medicos needing help for mental or physical health problems.
“In the past two or three months it’s been very noticeable and that’s starting to increase — nearly double what we’ve had before,” the program’s medical director Patrick Johnson said.
Calls for assistance were coming from all directions, including from GPs, emergency doctors and hospital physicians and medical students, all of whom, Dr Johnson said, were under extra pressure during the pandemic.
“They’re worried for their patients, they’re worried for their communities and their own families too,” he said.

Pause. Breathe. Reflect.
Regardless of your occupation or situation, stress is real and the Blog Chicks team recommend this tip for coping during periods of high anxiety:
Take some slow breaths: in through your nose, then slowly breathe out.
Slow breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress, because it signals to your brain to relax your body.
Notice how you are feeling and what you are thinking, without judgment. Instead of responding or reacting to those thoughts or feelings, note them, and then let them go.
The World Health Organisation
The World Health Organisation provide this resource to help those suffering adversity:

HETI Mental Health Studies in Demand During the Pandemic Response
The Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) confirm the rise in demand for their mental health studies with awareness growing by professionals of the need for education for the continuing pandemic response period.
HETI delivers education and training to support more than 110,000 clinical and non-clinical staff achieve excellence in health care within NSW. This is one of HETI’s key functions is as a registered Higher Education Provider.
The NSW Mental Health Commission has documented well the impact of Covid-19 on mental health. The Health Education and Training Institute is seeing a lift in enquiry levels for their comprehensive range of units of study and courses to assist professionals who want to build their mental health capabilities.
Courses are designed to draw on a recovery-oriented approach to mental health care. In practice, this means HETI supports genuine collaboration with individuals on their recovery journey by seeking to maximise hope, strength, resilience, and self-determination. The units are oriented to supporting skill development in the workplace for those with clinical and non-clinical backgrounds.

About Health Education and Training Institute (HETI)
The Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) delivers education and training to support more than 110,000 clinical and non-clinical staff achieve excellence in health care within NSW. One of HETI’s key functions is as a registered Higher Education Provider.
HETI is uniquely placed to draw on the expertise within Australia’s largest healthcare system, as it delivers quality postgraduate education to NSW Health staff, and students located across Australia and overseas.
They are proud to deliver two progressive, recovery-oriented postgraduate courses in Applied Mental Health Studies and Psychiatric Medicine. Their curriculum draws on the current evidence base, offer contemporary education delivery and flexibility in learning that suits learners of today. They welcome a wide range of professionals to join their interdisciplinary learning community and follow their passion for mental health care.
Learn more about the HETI mental health and professional development courses here: